Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mind Power: Succeed with the Law of Attraction

You have probably heard about the law of attraction and perhaps even how knowing it can change your life. But what exactly is the law of attraction?

The most basic premise behind the law of attraction is that like attracts like. It is the same way that a magnet’s opposite poles attract. But while opposites attract in the case of magnet poles, like attracts like in the universe in general.

In layman’s terms, your reality is simply a manifestation of your thoughts. If you think negatively, you attract negativity and bad situations. But if you think positively, you attract positivity. Your external world is a reflection of your inner world.

Be careful with your thoughts, as they most likely will manifest into reality through the law of attraction. And, it is worth noting that the law of attraction applies to everyone, no exceptions. It is very much like other laws in physics – for instance gravity.

Of course there is also intensity here in the equation – the more intense your thoughts and feelings, the more powerful the manifestations you attract. Let’s say from a scale 1 of 10 your negative thoughts score around 2 in intensity – you will then attract similar thoughts and situations corresponding to that intensity. So if your intensity is 10, watch out!

Activating the Law of Attraction is akin to flipping a switch. Sow the seeds of positive thinking and you will bear the rewards in the future. You can attract like thoughts and situations based on what is in your mind.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cool New Service: Make Professional Looking Websites Fast And Easy

Hi there fellow e-marketers.

Today I've got an interesting message from Brad Callen. For those who don't know about him he's one of the experts on topics like Search Engine Optimization, Keyword Research, Affiliate Marketing and more. As the founder of Bryxen Software he has developed well known products as Keyword Elite, SEO Elite and several other programs that help people with time-consuming tasks and projects.

For info of his products, you can visit the links below:

Keyword Elite:
SEO Elite:
Affiliate Elite:
Directory Submitter:
Article Submitter:

Oh, and by the way Brad Callen send a very interesting message today. He and his staff is on their way with a new revolutionary product. That is an absolutely amazing service and it is 100% Free. So with this service you'll be able to set up your own website quickly even if you don't know web techie stuff at all. It is about drag and drop, point and click. It could not be easier than this. They haven't released their site yet for the masses, but they have a blog and you can visit it here: Blinkweb Blog. Click on the video and watch it. I think this will be an exciting experience, based on the video.

A video is not enough and only shows the potential, but as many already know him and his staff through their excisting products, I think this will be a great service.

As soon as they release this service I will have a test on it and submit a more detailed article about my experience on this.

Again, click the video on this page: Blinkweb Blog


About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Blogging For SEO: How To Get Maximum Search Benefit From Your Small Business Blog

If you have a small business blog, or are thinking of starting one, you should be aware of the ways you can use your blog to drive traffic to your Website. It’s simpler than you think.

The first thing to understand about your blog is that each entry is counted as one Web page. Even if you have your blog set to display 10 blog posts on the same page, each of them is counted as a separate Web page by the search engines. That’s why it is important to treat each blog entry as an SEO tool. The following tips should be kept in mind for each blog entry in order to optimize them for the search engines and drive more traffic to your Website from your blog:

  1. Optimize each blog post around a single keyword
  2. Make sure your keyword is in your blog post title,
    preferably at the beginning
  3. Use subheads with or tags that also use your keyword
  4. Include 1-3 keyword links (anchor text) in your blog posts
  5. Sign every blog post with a signature link that uses your keyword
  6. Use bold and italics effectively to emphasize certain
    keywords and phrases
  7. Be sure to ping the directories
  8. Include tags for all of your blog entries
  9. Use categories effectively
  10. Make links appear natural by linking to internal pages
    of your Website

Because each blog entry is a separate Web page, the search engines will crawl them and index them just as they do your Web pages. Optimize each one heavily around a specific keyword related to your Website and that’s an extra doorway into your Website for each page indexed at the search engines. Also, by adding anchor text to a couple of those keywords and pointing those links to relevant internal Web pages of your Website you are improving the SEO effect of your blog entry. A poll of top SEO experts by SEOmoz revealed that a majority of those SEO experts said these type of keyword links are among the top 10 most important SEO factors for ranking Web pages. Don’t give up on keywords and anchor text.

You’ll also want to include keyword tags with each blog entry. Those tags will be used by the search engines to index your pages appropriately for your keywords. Also, social bookmarkers will find it easier to tag your blog entry if they like it and this makes it easier to share among their social group.

Your blog category should indicate an important element of interest as well. Unlike tags, you should only choose one category for each blog post. Don’t use “main” or “uncategorized.” Those are too generic. Use a specific keyword-related category as that will make your blog posts more crawlable by the search engines.

There are more than 100 blog directories that you can ping to let them know you have updated your blog. I suggest you do this every time you update your blog. With WordPress, and several other blogging software platforms, you can input each directory into a field and the software will send out an automatic ping each time you update your blog. If you are not using WordPress you should go to Ping-o-Matic and use it to ping your blog for free.

Finally, if you sign your blog posts with a keyword-rich signature that points to a relevant internal page of your Website, this will make your Website more crawlable and give you another anchor text link. Use something like, “Find Out More About Keyword.” Then add another link that points to your home page.

The important thing to remember about keywords and links, whether on your blog or your Website, is to make them appear natural. The benefits are enormous.

About The Author
Caroline Melberg is President and CEO of Melberg Marketing. She has over 20 years of experience creating exciting marketing campaigns for some of the most successful companies in the world. She publishes the popular eZine, “Blue Chip Tips: The Secrets of Blue Chip Marketing…Revealed!” Learn more today at

Monday, June 2, 2008

3 Ways To Build A Profitable Opt In List

The money is in the list. A true statement that you have to understand to be successful online. You have bought all kinds of ebooks online to teach you how to be successful online. They show you that they made thousands of dollars using these techniques. You follow the instructions to the T and you get terrible results. You wonder what just happened. I followed the instructions perfectly.

You have to read between the lines and understand that this person all ready has an opt in list and thats how he or she made their thousands. Without a list, you will have a hard time succeeding online no matter what niche you are in.

Building an opt in list takes time. Don't just jump right in, do some research first. For instance, you need to find a good autoresponder service and something of value to give away.

You need an autoresponder service for:
1. They help you create your opt in form so you can collect their name and email address. Just follow a few simple steps and the service will provide you with the code to paste on your website. Very easy to do. No technical experience needed.

2. You need a valuable product like a free report to give away. You have to give your visitor a reason to give up their name and email address.

After you have done your research, here are three quick and easy ways to build a profitable opt-in list.

1) Get your customers to trust you and your knowledge first. Be sure to give your customers good valuable information. Don't just send emails trying to sell them products and services. Get them to trust you and when you do recommend a product, you have a better chance of making a sale.

2) Join forums in your niche as well. Provide expert advice and tips. When you feel that people trust you and see you as an expert, you can tell them about the free product you are giving away and a link to your opt-in page.

3) Learn from experienced list builders. They can help you with the learning curve because they know what works and what does not work. If you know what to do and what to avoid right away, then you will build your list much quicker.

Building your list does take time, but in the long run if you treat your list correctly it will pay off.

About the Author:
To receive more free information, tips and resources on how to build an opt in list and learn from an expert, visit list building club Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Website Template: The Face of the Online Business

When it comes to the online business’ appearance, the web template projects an image that conveys a unique representation that professionals associate as the ‘face’ of the business. Without this, the online venture has absolutely no sense of identy and will not gain any success. For these reasons, the web template is crucially important.

As a matter of fact, shoppers rely on the appearance to help them make decisions about what to buy, where, when, why. This is why merchandise and services being offered by the online business are not worth a lick of spit without an effect facing to draw the surfers in. If a company doesn’t look appealing, the merchandise means nothing.

Furthermore, logos and company mottos add accent to this appearance. Like signs on the building of a brick-and-mortar building, the web template, or home page, advertises the identity, distinct character and sense of professionalism that the company or business embodies. This is equivalent of the “business sign,” and its design requires quite a bit of forethought. Whatever the business is, that essence is found here.

Styles of web templates are available in a variety of colors and arrangements. The preferences of the designer and/or particular entrepreneur decide are catered to very easily. For one thing, website construction is quicker and faster with the employment of the template, as opposed to creating a template oneself. Professional organization is promoted, and modifications in that sense of organization can be made in accordance with the the needs of the business, so flexibility and customization are maintained with the template as well. This is the ultimate convenience!

Pattern consistency is yet another possibility. A single web template can be used as the layout for every single page comprising the business sites. Each page would easier to construct because it would be in sync with every other page. Variations in style and accent create bursts of uniqueness in this consistency. As far as design goes, the sky is the limit, as is, as said, the preferences of the designer and/or entrepreneur.

The cost, however, can be a stickler, especially for the new business owner who has a limited budget. The typical webpage template runs anywhere from around $50.00 to $300.00, depending on the designer and distributor. Here, when budget comes into play, a single template would be preferable over a different template for each webpage. Where webpage organization can be adjusted accordingly, using separate templates is a really unnecessary practice anyway.

Then there is the consideration of designer fees for those entrepreneurs who hire professionals to design and build their sites for them. This, of course, is more likely for those web owners who haven’t the knowledge or the skills to do their own web design. As far as budgets go, newcomers might benefit from learning webpage construction, with the inclusion of hyperlink languages, especially HTML, so save them some money. Regardless, though, expenses should be carefully moderated.

Whatever one’s needs dictate, the template is generally the wise way to go. How it will be used is the challenge.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit: